Our Pricing

Type Description Fee (AED)
RTA Inspection

It is mandatory by the RTA to do the renewal test and we will do all for you. You no longer need to stand in long ques to get your car tested.  The price of renewal test is currently AED 170 for the first attempt and AED 70 for the second attempt.

RTA Renewal Fee

RTA registration renewal fee now is AED 380. All government fees are subject to change and we try our best to keep the latest fees on our website.

Our Service Fee

We will do all the steps involved in renewing your car’s registration. Our staff is trained and qualified and we will make the whole process completely hassle free. We handle everything for a service fee of AED 300. Our fee is nonrefundable but valid for one month with multiple testing attempts incase your car fails RTA test.

Fine Payments

It is mandatory to pay all the fines on vehicles and driving license of the owner before renewing the registration.  We will pay your fines before renewing the registration of your vehicle.


We will arrange the insurance at the best possible rates and our call center agent will contact you to provide the insurance quotes. As you know insurance rates depends on number of factors, so we can’t provide any fixed pricing on our website.




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